AICS continuously opens its door to the youth who wants to experience and broaden their knowledge, particularly in the field of Information Technology
Admission Requirements
A. Junior High School Completers
1. PSA Certified Birth Certificate
2. Certificate of Good Moral Character
3. Photocopy of Grade 10 Report Card with LRN / E-SID
4. Pictures 4 copies colored 1×1
5. Certificate of JHS completion
6. ESC Certification Letter from JHS (for ESC grantees)
7. QVR Certificate (for Private school JHS completers)
B. High School Graduates (Freshmen)
1. Form 138 (High School Card) or Form 137
2. Certificate of Good Moral Character
3. Accomplished Registration Form
4. Pictures 4 copies colored 1×1
C. Transferees
1. Transfer Credential (Honorable Dismissal)
2. Certified True Copy of Transcript of Records or Certificate of Grades
3. Passed the Entrance Exam and Interview
4. Accomplished Registration Form
5. Pictures 4 copies colored 1×1
D. Sponsored Scholars
1. In addition to those required in letters A to C, submit certification document from the sponsoring company
E. Cross Registrants/Enrollee
1. Permit issued by the Registrar or Dean of the student’s home school
2. Certificate of Good Moral Character
F. Foreign Student
1. Permit to Study issued by the Commission on Immigration, TESDA /CHED
2. Certificate of Advanced Credits, if any, from the TESDA/CHED.
The following Scholarship programs are being honored and made available to all deserving students of AICS:
A. AICS Scholarship for Freshmen
This type of scholarship is to be based on the result of the scholarship examination conducted free of charge during the career orientation period. The resulting score of the examination determines the rate of the scholarship discount in the tuition fee. Only the newly high school graduate level can avail of this examination.
B. AICS Dean’s List Scholarship
This scholarship is being granted only to students who have an average grade of 1.75 and above with no periodic grade of 85 in any subject. The rate of scholarship discount varies with the average grade of the student.