Four-Years Tertiary Degree Program
This Outcome-Based Education (OBE) program is in response to the growing economic and social concerns of poverty in the Philippine society. It is considered to be a unique and innovative kind of entrepreneurship program since it seeks to integrate entrepreneurship with social consciousness and ethics education since it has a component of Social Entrepreneurship.
After completion of all academic requirements of the program, graduates of BS Entrepreneurship should be able to set up and manage their own business or work in any organization where entrepreneurial competencies are required. They should also be able to pursue other careers appropriate to a BS Entrepreneurship graduate such as:
- Entrepreneurs
- Business Development
- Corporate Planning Development Staff or Assistant
- Marketing Assistant or Staff
The curricula for BS Entrepreneurship are made up of a minimum of 144 units, including the required General Education, or GE curriculum. It covers all major functional areas required by CMO 18, s. 2017.
Asian Institute of Computer Studies incorporates additional courses on top of 129 units, in response to the global demand in IT manpower, AICS takes upon itself the mission of producing graduates that possess the necessary knowledge, skills and right attitude that could qualify them to join the long race of the best IT people that this world can produce.
This program is available in the AICS Commonwealth, Bicutan, Bacoor, and Batangas branches. Tuition Fee for SY 2024-2025: CASH - Php. 12, 900.00 (1st Year/1st Sem)